Well, perhaps "triumphant" is too brazen a word, but that title sounds more interesting than "hey guys I'm back. sup."
I've had a helluva lot of work pile up on me these past few months, so I've been neglecting my cyber-presence. But things are easing up a bit so I can get back to working on my own stuff again. Hey! Here's a logo character I created a couple months ago- yes another redhead. --->
Looking down through my blog, I notice I have naught but girlie drawings: I swear I draw other stuff, really I do. Its just that none of it seems interesting enough to post. I'll get to work on that.
In other news, my titles for "Touch Me I'm Karen Taylor" won an "Excellence in Design" award from the ASIFA-East Animation Festival, a distinction shared with an E-Surance ad, so I'm really pleased. Also, I have some projects completed and I'm itching to post them, but I'm not at liberty just yet. But do keep an eye on Low Carb Comedy- I'm just sayin'.