May 18, 2012

Sc. 29 Pencils Complete!

I couldn't sleep tonight until I finished this scene.  Now its finished!  Now I sleep.  Now I'm wondering why birds are singing at three in the morning?


El' said...

Hiiii ! I just saw the last two scenes you drew <3 This is getting cuter and cuter each time I'm watching it ;_; You're almost done ! Courage !
By the way, I was thinking : what color will be Mitzi's dress ?

Joanna Davidovich said...

Yes! Almost done indeed!

I still need to do some more color tests, but Mitzi's dress will probably be black or dark grey.

Stephen Culley said...

Yay.. more done.. how many left now? Love your drawings, so clean and brilliantly animated!

Joanna Davidovich said...

Two scenes left to go, about 20 seconds. But I'm truckin' through Sc. 30 right now. Veeery close now!

Lucenza said...

Wow! an excellent style and techniques, I'm very curious to see the final animation, I stay tuned...